Sunflower Microgreens - Three Ounces

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Sunflower microgreens have a very nutty flavor, one that could almost compare to carrots at times. They are packed full of Vitamin A, B complex, D, and E. On top of that, they possess calcium, copper, iron, and so much more.




Promotes Healthy Skin, Hair, and your brain

Sunflower microgreens contains a large amount of Vitamin A and Omega Fatty Acids which both help to promote glowing skin and a healthy brain.


May Help Ward off Alzheimers 

According to a study done at Harvard, Diets containing a rich amount of Vitamin E may help to prevent the disease by coating and protecting cells. 


Helps Pregnant Women

Sunflower microgreens provide plenty of folate and B-vitamins which play an important role in new cell creation, and promotes healthy development of the brain and spine when taken early in pregnancy.


Boosts Your Overall Immune System

The vitamin C content is good for keeping a robust immune system and the development of collagen.


Sunflower Microgreens High in Protein